Video Game Academy
Bookwarm Games
A bunch of pretentious old men playing at running the world (Deus Ex pt 1)

A bunch of pretentious old men playing at running the world (Deus Ex pt 1)

The dreaded stealth training sequence, famed first mission, and general milieu of Deus Ex: Revision. Midway through Liberty Island, Steve's neighbor must have hacked us (that is, I forgot to refresh the recording tab) so we lost a few minutes there of Prof Ben laying out what's at stake in the interlocking character creation/progression and moral choice systems and the headless Statue of Liberty. Still, not bad for a first foray into the FPS CRPG darkness. More course info and twitch streams coming soon at Music from the OST.

Video Game Academy
Bookwarm Games
Bookwarm Games plays on the connection between games, books, and life:
O, she's warm!
If this be magic, let it be an art
Lawful as eating.
- The Winter's Tale
You're back! Don't bother yourself with talking now, you look too tired.
Mothers understand these things. Eat some [favorite food] and scoot up to bed.
- EarthBound
Here you'll find deep dives into video games and books, including a trove of audio for the Video Game Academy, co-hosted with Ben Kozlowski. Get involved at